Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

375970584 10168057334360123 5655040640908101896 n Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

The festive season is upon us, a time characteristically marked with an overflow of joy and love. It’s rare to see such outpouring of unencumbered cheer, the seamless blend of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas in one grand holiday. This joyous bundle of occasions, which togetherness they christen ‘Hallothanksmas’, is also a period housing arrays of savory and sweet treats that are unequivocally enticing.

Yet, with this season comes daunting tasks. Weaving through layered schedules briming with work, family time, and the seemingly insurmountable task of planning these holidays. Then to gird our loins with additional responsibility as we attempt to maintain our fitness and nutrition goals. It appears to be a swarming surge of responsibilities, but it doesn’t have to be insurmountable.

Treating oneself to savory and sweet foods during these special occasions is a nod to our shared humanity, a token of indulgence and a pat on the back for working hard all year. These occasions offer a unique therapy nestled in food and love, and there is no reason why we should shy away from this.

I’d wager, it’s in these special occasions, sitting together with family, sharing stories over a beautifully brined turkey or reaching out for an extra treat from the communal candy bowl at work where the real essence of life lies. Despite our daily tasks and commitments, it’s essential to cherish and treasure these little moments of indulgence without guilt or regret. Why? Because there’s not a thing to lose or gain but the joy of living.

Even for those fitness enthusiasts, worrying about missing out on your workout routine can take the backseat as well. Will you gain anything by skipping a workout while ensuring your child’s participation in their Christmas concert? Nothing, except for the wholesome experience of being present for your loved ones.

However, this doesn’t mean you need to disregard your fitness goals entirely. As Carson Norheim, a locally acclaimed weight loss coach suggests, managing your expectations is key to sailing through this period. She advocates that it’s possible to maintain balance between enjoying those mouth-watering treats and staying fit.

Her strategy focuses on three primary areas – being mindful, allowing oneself to enjoy a treat or two without guilt, and squeezing in movement whenever possible. Navigating the holiday season without guilt or regret over food choices becomes easier by being mindful about what you eat and savoring the delicacies without excess.

Norheim insists that we should treat this period as a season of enjoyment. She maintains that it’s perfectly okay to have an extra cookie or skip a workout if it’s in favor of spending quality time with loved ones. But it’s also essential to fit in those steps and lifts whenever you can.

While it’s important to enjoy the holidays, it’s equally crucial not to let the festivity lead us astray from our health routine. Even in a busy schedule, it’s possible to find pockets of time for a quick workout or opt for more nutritious food, helping us to maintain our health and fitness goals even during these festive times.

So, this festive season, be ready to immerse yourself in the joy of ‘Hallothanksmas’. Enjoy the delectable food, spend time with your loved ones, don’t stress over the missed workout, and above all, let the festive spirit rejuvenate your mind and body. The best way to manage the holiday season is to have your cake, eat it, and perhaps, fit in a walk afterwards. In this balancing act, we find a mix of joy, love, and life.