Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

375970584 10168057334360123 5655040640908101896 n Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

As the holiday season rolls around, marked with celebrations like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, life can become hectic. The pressure to balance work, kids, gatherings, and maintaining your fitness and nutrition goals can indeed seem overwhelming. However, it need not be this way.

During these special occasions, it is essential to add an element of enjoyment rather than anxiety to the equation. Indulging a little in the festive delicacies is not only okay but actually healthy—a few extra bites of a mouth-watering, richly brined turkey or an additional treat from the office candy basket is unlikely to make a significant dent in your fitness regimen. Skipping a workout to attend your child’s Christmas concert doesn’t mean you’ve fallen off the fitness wagon.

These are memorable moments that should be cherished rather than spent in stress. Too often, we become averse to the idea of indulging, fearing that it will result in drastic consequences. But the truth is, we’re not going to lose or gain anything substantial by allowing ourselves a couple of extra holiday delights. The trick lies in maintaining a balance while savouring these special moments with our family.

Now, managing expectations for oneself might not always be straightforward. That’s where the role of a professional can prove helpful. According to Carson Norheim, a local weight loss coach, navigating the holiday season while staying fit doesn’t necessarily mean compromising on all the thrilling treats.

Norheim recommends some strategies to keep track of your fitness and nutrition goals amidst holiday festivities. As per him, one of the prominent ways to prevent holiday indulgence from turning into a total derailment it to practice mindfulness. Being aware of what you’re eating can make a significant difference in maintaining your fitness regimen.

Moreover, finding ways to get some sort of physical activity in between the business of the holiday season is also crucial. Maybe you can’t make it to the gym, but getting in those steps while shopping, doing house chores or dancing at a holiday party can also keep you active.

Another piece of advice that Norheim shares, is to try not to equate holiday festivities with binge eating, but rather to savor every mouthful and focus on enjoyment. It’s okay to indulge in your favourite holiday treats, but it’s essential to do it moderately and mindfully.

Essentially, the holiday season is a time to rejoice in the company of loved ones as well as to reward oneself for the hard work done all year round. Yes, it can get hectic and seem difficult to stick to a diet plan or a workout regimen strictly, but fitness is not merely about dieting or hitting the gym—it is as much about mental well-being as it is about physical health. And sometimes, a perfectly roasted turkey or a yummy bowl of Christmas pudding can aid in enhancing that joy.

So as the holidays come closer, remember that a little bit of indulgence is not detrimental—rather, it’s a part of the festive cheer. Take a mindful approach to enjoy the holiday festivities without compromising on your fitness goals. And most importantly, don’t forget to cherish and make the most of these precious moments with your family. After all, what are holidays if not to relax, rejuvenate, and relish some heartwarming moments with loved ones?