Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

375970584 10168057334360123 5655040640908101896 n Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

As the holiday season is upon us, hitting the trifecta of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, often referred to as Hallothanksmas, life can become more challenging to manage. For many, it’s an exciting albeit daunting time filled with tasks such as organizing kids, planning family gatherings, and keeping up with work commitments. Alongside all of this, trying to stick to your personal health and fitness goals can feel like an uphill battle.

However, it’s essential to remember that this busy season does not have to overshadow your wellness journey. Amidst the delightful chaos, treat yourself to savoury and sweet foods during these special occasions. Giving yourself permission to enjoy the festive fare isn’t a setback, but a source of joy and nourishment. After all, the holiday season is meant for comfort, shared joy, and heaps of food love.

The fear of losing or gaining weight shouldn’t deter you from enjoying a few extra bites of the beautifully brined turkey, grabbing an extra treat from the communal candy bowls at work, or rearranging your workout schedule to accompany your child to their Christmas concert. These are moments to relish rather than resist.

That said, it’s also crucial not to let the idea of indulgence throw you off your wellness journey completely. Balancing festive enjoyment and personal well-being is entirely feasible, as shared by lifestyle and weight loss expert Carson Norheim. He suggests focusing on managing your expectations and promoting a mindful approach towards your holiday activities – including food indulgences and exercise routine.

According to Norheim, being conscious of and adjusting your expectations can be a great tool in maintaining your health goals. Knowing that it’s a festive period and therefore, your routine might change slightly, is a great way to stay grounded and not let any variations in routine affect your mood or overall wellness journey.

Simultaneously, it’s possible and indeed beneficial, to maintain your fitness routine during the festive season. Slipping in a few walks or workouts can not only keep you physically active but can also serve as moments of respite amid the holiday bustle. Remember, you don’t always need a full-blown exercise session. Even a quick stretch or a brisk walk around your neighbourhood can suffice.

The holiday season, despite its inevitable busyness, is also an opportunity to enjoy yourself, socialize, and maintain your fitness goals. It’s a test of balance and can be a time to create strategies that would also help in your routine life, outside the holiday season. Keep in mind that the festive spirit accompanies celebration, peace, and love, which are as vital to your overall wellbeing as your physical health. So, whip up some holiday sweets, decorate the home, and nudge yourself now and then to maintain a slight restraint – all while soaking up the festive joy.

In the end, it’s about keeping your heart happy and your health in check. The art of mindful indulgence strikes a perfect balance, enabling you to savour the holiday treats you love and share memorable moments with your loved ones, while also taking steps towards sticking to your wellness objectives. Here’s to a holiday season filled with laughter, good food, and mindful approaches to your health and wellbeing!