I’m an anti-ageing guru, you don’t need Botox, here’s the exact haircut that will make you look ten years y…

newspress collage wmgnu3z1k 1728250804789 I’m an anti-ageing guru, you don’t need Botox, here’s the exact haircut that will make you look ten years y...

Looking, feeling, and indeed being younger does not necessitate costly cosmetic procedures confirms Nicole Smith, an expert in aesthetics. Smith claims that a difference of up to a decade in perceived age can be achieved through a simple modification to one’s hair.

A renowned cosmetic injector based in the U.S, Smith has built a considerable following of around 256,000 on the social media app TikTok, where she shares her knowledge and expertise. She recently went viral on the platform when she proposed a straightforward hair theory that she believes can make a significant difference in how old or young people appear.

Smith underscores how impactful hairstyles can be in determining how others perceive your age. She suggests that certain hairstyles can either attribute youthfulness or age to your appearance. Sexagenarians and septuagenarians, Smith posits, can appear a decade younger with the right hairstyle, and conversely, individuals in their thirties or forties can appear much older depending on their choice of hairstyle.

Smith advises those desiring to look younger to visit a hair salon and experiment with new hairstyles. Her primary recommendation is to sidestep the trend of short hair and instead adopt long hair with a middle parting. She suggests that this hairstyle, common among women in their twenties, can lend a youthful look. Keeping attuned to hair trends can spell the difference between looking younger or older, Smith further substantiates.

A good example of how a chic hairstyle can contribute to the illusion of agelessness is Jennifer Lopez. Smith cited the celebrity’s abundant, brunette locks at age 55 as a case-in-point. Thousands have agreed with Smith’s hair theory, with one user expressing that keeping her hair long has made her look younger even at 63. While another user shared her personal experience about losing hair due to chemotherapy, and how it made her look older.

Various individuals, from those in their late forties to individuals in their mid and late sixties, affirmed Smith’s views. Bangs are an effective trick to looking younger, remarked a 67-year-old, while another user in her mid-forties shared her amusement over people’s confusion about her age because of her waist-length hair.

Despite the overwhelming agreement, some individuals disputed Smith’s hair theory based on their personal experiences. One user declared that the middle-parted long hair made her look a decade older, while another said that short hair made her look younger in her forties. Lastly, a user pointed out that long curled hair was outdated, implying that a sleek bob gives a more stylish and fresher look.

In a nutshell, the core message of Smith’s viral video is that the hairstyles we choose can play a transformative role in how others perceive our age. Hair, along with fashion and style, can influence whether we look older or younger. And while everyone’s experiences and preferences are different, it’s clear that the hairstyle is a key element when it comes to ageing well. Therefore, deciding which hairstyle works best for you can be an affordable and non-invasive beauty secret that could make you look years younger.