I had wrinkles at 25 but 5 years later they’ve gone –  I didn’t use Botox to get rid of them, my top tip is…

newspress collage kxqhzs8m8 1728853207235 I had wrinkles at 25 but 5 years later they’ve gone –  I didn’t use Botox to get rid of them, my top tip is...

A 30-year-old woman, Aurora, first noticed her forehead was covered in wrinkles when she was just 25. Over the years, she has worked on eradicating these signs of aging, and interestingly, it was achieved without the use of Botox.

Aurora, who appears to have aged backwards, attributes her youthful looks to the use of all-natural methods. At one point, though, this wasn’t the case. Aurora was suffering from considerable stress at work, which she admits had a visible impact on her appearance. This chronic stress, coupled with excessive caffeine intake, made her skin appear “haggard”.

Every day, Aurora would consume five cups of coffee. She also lacked a sufficient amount of protein in her diet, which is an essential element as it helps the skin produce collagen and maintain its plumpness. Realizing the damage she was doing to her skin, Aurora resigned from her stressful job and started investing in her skincare.

Later, she supplemented her diet with collagen powder, which can commonly be found in health stores. This product has been found to improve skin health, making it more supple and resilient. Aurora also used wellness supplements and serum to bring moisture to her skin. Paying attention to the hydration level of her skin, she pointed out, is crucial because dehydrated skin often looks stressed and aged.

Notably, she spoke highly of a specific Clearstem Bounceback Serum, claiming its results to be comparably effective as Botox. Despite the pricey tag, Aurora expressed that it was the only anti-aging serum she’s used that made a noticeable difference.

Choosing to deviate from common anti-aging options, Aurora has opted for natural products instead of synthetic ones like retinol, which she believes can strip away the skin barrier or thin out the skin. One of her favorites is the Clearstem Hydraglow Moisturizer, as it deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin.

Apart from her skincare routine, Aurora emphasizes the lifestyle factors that contributed to her successful de-aging process. She stresses the importance of comprehensive care for health and wellbeing as one ages. Enjoying the simple pleasures of life daily, staying hydrated, and maintaining a balanced diet, including plenty of fruits, veggies, and protein sources, are all part of her recommendations.

Moreover, the successful management of long-term health conditions, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake, prioritizing mental health, quality sleep, and ample social interaction are some other pointers she gives. She advises people to engage in regular physical activities to lower the risk of mental and physical health issues.

Aurora shared her journey and tricks on TikTok, which managed to earn her more than 1.2 million views. Her audience was thoroughly impressed with Aurora’s advice, with numerous users praising her tips, such as getting enough protein for collagen production. Many agreed with her holistic approach to skin health and wellness, some even mentioning how her advice was timely and much needed. Further, a user pointed out that Aurora now looks younger than she did in her mid-20s, which indeed validates the effectiveness of her methods.

It’s clear from Aurora’s experiences that a great skincare routine integrated with a balanced lifestyle can produce stunning results in reversing the effects of aging.